the City of Gloucester

Gloucester Climate Action

Green Your Yard

✓ Plant a shade tree in your yard.  

$   Help to Cover Costs

Check out the Gloucester 400 Trees project and learn how you can support tree planting in Gloucester:  

Check out the Cape Ann Elm project and reserve a low or no cost tree for your yard:  

✓ Use ecologically responsible landscaping practices.

Plant native species to support wildlife habitat and local pollinators, find resources, grass alternatives, and species list here:    

Support local Nurseries that help supply native species:  

Get watering tips for reducing water use:  

Get support by calling the Massachusetts Master Gardener helpline:  

If your yard is near a wetland, learn how you can protect our coastal marshes and wetlands. Find out if your yard is near a wetland by visiting the map here.  Learn how you can protect wetlands: 

If your yard is near the watershed, learn how you can protect our communities drinking water. Find out if your yard is near the watershed by visiting the map here.  Learn how you can protect our communities drinking water:  

✓ Get a rain barrel and use collected water to water your plants and lawn.

Find out how to use, make or buy a rain barrel here:     

Watch This Old House, How to Make a Rain Barrel for $40:  
