the City of Gloucester

Gloucester Climate Action

Reduce Waste

✓  Recycle right.   

 FREE ,   📃 Renter Friendly,   🎒 Youth Friendly

Don’t Wish-cycle! Learn what you can REALLY recycle in Gloucester:  

Beyond the bin - find how to recycle items you can't put in your city recycling bin:

Recycling other items: 

Small businesses can get assistance connecting with recycling services through Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection program RecyclingWorks. Find out more:

✓  Compost yard and food scraps.  

📃 Renter Friendly   🎒 Youth Friendly

Learn how to compost yard and food waste at home using a store bought compost bin:  

Learn about different types of composting solutions and bins for both yard and food scrap composting:  

Yard waste compost drop off:  

Check out these local compost pick up options: 

✓  Repurpose or donate old or outgrown items instead of throwing them away.   

 FREE ,   📃 Renter Friendly   🎒 Youth Friendly

How to repurpose common items:  

Learn to mend your own clothing. There are many tutorials online to fix just about anything you can imagine! 

Take worn out clothing and shoes to a tailor or cobbler to give them new life. 

Search for local Buy-Nothing Groups on Facebook.

Donate gently used items to any of these local charities: 

✓ Avoid buying new items - rent, borrow, or shop second hand first.  

📃 Renter Friendly   🎒 Youth Friendly

Borrow what you need from Gloucester’s Library of Things:  

Search for local Buy-Nothing Groups on Facebook  and shop local thrift stores. 

✓ Avoid single-use plastic products and wrappers where possible.  

📃 Renter Friendly   🎒 Youth Friendly
